Wealth and Status in Rifts


The weatlh costs for Rifts earth are 
different from others in that material 
wealth usually takes second-fiddle to 
plain old survival.  If the character 
has the City-Bred Unusual Background, 
then the costs for Wealth are standard.

Dead Broke      -20
Poor            -10
Struggling        0
Average   5
Comfortable      20
Wealthy  30
Very Wealthy     45
Filthy Rich      75


Status Levels Within the Coalition States and other Large Kingdoms

8               Emperor (Prosek, Splynncryth)
7               CS Governor
6               Corporate Head
5               Idle Rich
4               Large City Mayor
3               Mayor
2               Doctor, Lawyer, Cyberneticist
1               Citizen 
0               Street Dweller
-1              City Rat
-2              Burb-Dweller/Psionic
-3              Mutant/D-Bee/Magic User

Status Levels Within a Small to Medium-Sized Kingdom
(Use standard GURPS status levels on page 191 of Main Book)

Status Levels Within Wilderness Towns and Villages
3               Mayor
2               Doctor/Large Business Owner
1               Merchant
0               Villager
-1              Begger