New Disadvantages

Mental Stability Disintegration   -40 points

This is usually the result of the MOM Conversion (see Crazy 
OCC and New Advantages).  It is the gradual destabilization 
of a person’s sanity.  For every 10 points of new character 
points, the player must roll on the following table.  There 
should be no exceptions to this rule, as the only way to 
reverse this disadvantage is to remove the MOM altogether.
1-2 Quirk
3-Phobia (Mild)
4-Phobia (Severe)
5-Delusion (-10 points)
6-Random -15 points of mental disadvantages 

Ley Line Sensitivity            -20 points

The character’s Psionic or Magic abilities are harmed by the 
presence of Ley Lines.  All power levels for Psionics are 
reduced by half, ranges of sensitivities are reduced by half 
and all IQ rolls got the purpose of sensing or detecting 
are -5.  All spellcasters are -8 to cast their spells.